Green Card, Citizenship, Etc.

Green Card, Family-Based Petitions, Foreign-Filed Waivers of Hardship, Citizenship & Naturalization, Non-Immigrant Visas for Victims of Crime, and Asylum

Immigration law and rules can be interpreted differently by the various government bodies and agencies. These rules and laws can also often undergo dramatic changes caused by changing regulations. A seemingly simple question or concern might turn out to be a complex matter which requires an experienced immigration attorney. While immigration forms can be simple, there are many little details not included in the instructions that can help or hurt your case.

Types of Cases and Applications Held

  • Citizenship/Naturalization – Any permanent resident who has ever been arrested must consult with an attorney who is knowledgeable in both criminal and immigration law prior to filing an application for naturalization. Some permanent residents with criminal convictions will still be eligible to naturalize. Other permanent residents could actually be placed in removal proceedings and even lose their residency if they apply to naturalize.
  • Asylum & Protection (Refugee)– Asylum is available to aliens who can prove a credible fear of persecution in his home country and prove that the persecution is at the hands of the government and is because of the alien’s membership in a religious, ethnic, political or protected social group.
  • TPS – When a country experiences a major natural disaster or war the government may place that country on the list for Temporary Protected Status (TPS). If an alien is present in the US in any status or out of status when his country is placed on the TPS list, he is eligible to apply for TPS, which gives temporary lawful status. Most grounds of inadmissibility will not prevent an alien from getting TPS.
  •  Foreign-Filed Waiver – Consular Processing Immigrant Visas –
    An alien who entered the United States without inspection and has a US citizen or permanent resident spouse or parent may be eligible for a waiver. The process requires the alien to depart the United States.
  • Petition for Alien Relative
  • I-601 & I-212, Waiver Preparation for Both Inadmissibility and Deportable Grounds
  • Adjustment of Status for Spouse of U.S. Citizen 
  • Removal of Conditions for Conditional Residences – with Form I-751
  • Adjustment of Status 245(i)– An alien may be eligible for adjustment of status under INA section 245(i) if the alien has been present since at least December of 2000 and had an I-130, I-140 or Labor Certification application filed on their behalf before April 30, 2001. Certain history may make the alien ineligible for this form of relief. 
  • Victims, Witnesses, & Other
    There are types of relief are available to victims of severe trafficking and criminal acts, victims of domestic violence at the hands of a US citizen or permanent resident spouse or parent, and material witnesses to crimes. There are also several other rare types of relief.
  • U, T, & S Visas
  • VAWA Relief for Battered Spouses and Children
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